Twitter testing better image previews, 4K image uploads on Android and iOS - Android

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Twitter testing better image previews, 4K image uploads on Android and iOS - Android

Twitter is testing these features with a small set of users.

Twitter has announced that it has started testing a new feature with a small subset of iOS and Android features. This new feature is aimed at improving the image preview functionality on smartphones. The main goal of the company is to deliver a streamlined browsing experience so that users do not have to open images to check them completely.

In the current situation, Twitter automatically crops all photos shared on the platform unless the image has a 16:9 aspect ratio. This resulted in users having to tap on the photo to see all the details. Another issue with the auto-cropping is related to the algorithm's preference for showing a particular type of photo content. It has even been accused of being racial as it has been found to be preferring white faces over black.

11/03/2021 07:11 AM