After a long wait, Telegram is finally ready to release group video calling support next month. The announcement was made by Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, through his official channel within the app. While there are many instant messaging apps that already offer this functionality, Telegram would be providing a fully-fledged video calling with end-to-end encryption.
Durov has said that Telegram video calling will have all those tools and features that one would expect from a modern video calling platform. There will be features like screen sharing, noise cancellation, and encryption support. There will also be support for desktops and tablets so that users can participate in video calls from any device and operating system platform of their choice.
It seems like the developer team does not only want to offer users a way to have video calls with their family and friends, they also want tools to conduct video calls that can also be productive. We know that features like screen sharing and noise cancellation are available only on business-focused apps like Zoom and Google Meet. It seems like Telegram is also looking to compete with those apps at the same time.
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