Samsung has launched the Galaxy M42 5G as its first mid-range smartphone with 5G connectivity. It is also the most affordable 5G smartphone in India by the company. It is aimed at delivering everything that one expects from a Galaxy M-series device but with the added support for 5G networks.
The Samsung Galaxy M42 5G sports a 6.6-inch HD+ Super AMOLED Infinity-U display. Under the hood, it has an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G processor coupled with 6GB and 8GB of RAM. The onboard storage is 128GB on both configuration variants along with support for microSD cards up to 1TB.
The back panel has a quad-camera setup headlined by a 48-megapixel primary sensor. The other three cameras include an 8-megapixel ultra-wide-angle, a 5-megapixel depth, and a 5-megapixel macro. The front camera on the smartphone is a 20-megapixel sensor housed within the notch.
28/04/2021 06:21 AM
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